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Annie Awards 2012: 'Rango', la gran triunfadora

06 de Febrero de 2012 18:07:23 | 1749 Lecturas | Via: Elséptimoarte
La produccion de Paramount Pictures y Nickelodeon Movies 'Rango', de Gore Verbinski y candidata al Oscar, se ha convertido en la gran triunfadora de la 39 edicion de los premios Annie, los galardones que estan considerados oficialmente como los mas importantes del mundo de la animacion cinematografica -aunque en no pocas ocasiones sean susceptibles de ciertas cosas- que entrega la Asociacion Internacional de Films Animados de Hollywood (ASIFA), al hacerse con cuatro de estos premios incluyendo los de mejor pelicula y mejor guion. Por su parte 'Kung fu panda 2' y 'Las aventuras de Tintin: El secreto del unicornio', se hacen con dos cada una, incluyendo mejor banda sonora original para esta ultima (tambien nominada al Oscar). Click, y tras el salto el listado completo de ganadores y nominados.

A Cat in Paris – Folimage
Arrugas (Wrinkles) - Perro Verde Films, S.L.
Arthur Christmas – Sony Pictures Animation, Aardman Animations
Cars 2 – Pixar ANimation Studios
Chico & Rita – Chico & Rita Distribution Limited
Kung Fu Panda 2 – DreamWorks Animation
Puss In Boots – DreamWorks Animation
'Rango' – Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies present A Blind Wink/GK Films Production
Rio – Blue Sky Studios
Tintin – Amblin Entertainment, Wingnut Films and Kennedy/Marshall

Carlos Saldahna - "Río salvaje" Blue Sky Studios
Chris Miller - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
Don Hall & Stephen Anderson - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios
Gore Verbinski - "Rango" - Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies present a Blind Wink/GK Films Productions
Jennifer Yuh Nelson - 'Kung fu panda 2' - DreamWorks Animation
Kelly Asbury - “Gnomeo & Juliet” - Touchstone Pictures

Andy Riley, Kevin Cecil, Mark Burton, Kathy Greenburg, Emily Cook, Rob Sprackling, John R. Smith, Kelly Asbury, Steve Hamilton - “Gnomeo & Juliet” - Touchstone Pictures
Brian Kesinger, Kendelle Hoyer, Don Dougherty, Clio Chang, Don Hall, Stephen Anderson - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios
John Logan, Gore Verbinski and James Byrkit - 'Rango' - Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies present A Blind Wink/GK Films Productions
Sarah Smith, Peter Baynham - "Arthur christmas: operación regalo" - Sony Pictures Animation, Aardman Animations
Steve Moffat, Edgar Wright, Joe Cronish - “Tintin” - Amblin Entertainment, Wingnut Films and Kennedy/Marshall

Henry Jackman - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
John Williams - 'Las aventuras de Tintin: El secreto del unicornio' - Amblin Entertainment, Wingnut Films and Kennedy/Marshall
Mikael Mutti, Siedah Garrett, Carlinhos Brown, Sergio Mendes, John Powell - "Río salvaje" - Blue Sky Studios
Zooey Deschannel, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Henry Jackman, Robert Lopez - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios

Clare Knight, A.C.E. - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Craig Wood, A.C.E. - 'Rango' - Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies present A Blind Wink/GK Films Productions
Eric Dapkewicz - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
Michael Kahn - “Tintin” - Amblin Entertainment, Wingnut Films and Kennedy/Marshall
Stephen Schaffer, A.C.E. - "Cars 2" - Pixar Animation Studios

Harley Jessup - "Cars 2" - Pixar Animation Studios
Paul Felix - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios
Raymond Zilbach - 'Kung fu panda 2' - DreamWorks Animation
Tom Cardone, Kyle MacNaughton & Peter Chan - "Río salvaje" - Blue Sky Studios

Bob Logan - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
David Gosman - "Rango" - Paramount Pictures & Nickelodeon Movies present A Blind Wink/GK Films Production
Gary Graham - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Jeremy Spears - 'Winnie the pooh' - Walt Disney Animation Studios
Josh Hayes - "Rango" - Paramount Pictures & Nickelodeon Movies present A Blind Wink/GK Films Production
Kris Pearn - “Arthur Christmas" - Sony Pictures Animation, Aardman Animations
Nelson Yokota - “Gnomeo and Juliet” - Touchstone Pictures
Philip Craven - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Scott Morse - "Cars 2" - Pixar Animation Studios

Ashley Jensen as Bryony - "Arthur christmas: operación regalo" - Sony Pictures Animation, Aardman Animations
Bill Nighy as Grandsanta - 'Arthur christmas: operación regalo' - Sony Pictures Animation, Aardman Animations
Gary Oldman as Shen - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
James Hong as Mr. Ping - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Jemaine Clement as Nigel - "Río salvaje" - Blue Sky Studios
Jim Cummings as Featherstone - “Gnomeo and Juliet” - Touchstone Pictures
Zach Galifianakis as Humpty Alexander Dumpty - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation

Andreas Deja - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios
Dan Wagner - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Jeff Gabor - 'Río salvaje' - Blue Sky Studios
Mark Henn - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios
Olivier Staphylas - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
Patrik Puhala - "Río salvaje" - Blue Sky Studios
Pierre Perifel - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation

Andy Arnett - "Hop" - Rhythm & Hues, Illumination Entertainment
David Lowry - "Paul" - Double Negative Visual Effects for Universal Productions/Relativity Media/Working Title Films/Big Talk Productions
Eric Reynolds - '' - 20th Century Fox
Mike Hull - "Paul" - Double Negative Visual Effects for Universal Productions/Relativity Media/Working Title Films/Big Talk Productions

Can Yuksel - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
Chase Cooper - "Rango" - Industrial Light & Magic
Dan Lund - "Winnie the pooh" - Walt Disney Animation Studios
Dave Tidgewell - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Eric Froemling - "Cars 2" - Pixar Animation Studios
Jason Mayer - "Kung fu panda 2" - DreamWorks Animation
Joel Aron - “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” - Lucasfilm Animation, Ltd.
Jon Reisch - "Cars 2" - Pixar Animation Studios
Kevin Romond - 'Las aventuras de Tintin: El secreto del unicornio' - Amblin Entertainment, Wingnut Films and Kennedy/Marshall
Willi Geiger - "Rango" - Industrial Light & Magic

Branko Grujcic - “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” - Industrial Light & Magic
Florent Andarra - 'Transformers: el lado oscuro de la luna' - Industrial Light & Magic
Gary Wu - “Cowboys & Aliens” - Industrial Light & Magic
Lee Uren - “Cowboys & Aliens” - Industrial Light & Magic

Jay Shuster - "Cars 2" - Pixar Animation Studios
Mark "Crash" McCreery - 'Rango' - Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies present A Blind Wink/GK Films Productions
Patrick Mate - "El gato con botas" - DreamWorks Animation
Peter de Seve - "Arthur christmas: operación regalo" - Sony Pictures Animation, Aardman Animations
Sergio Pablos - "Río salvaje" - Blue Sky Studios

'Adam and Dog' – Lodge Films
I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat – Warner Bros. Animation
La Luna – Pixar Animation Studios
(Notes on) Biology – Ornana Films
Paths of Hate – Platige Image
Sunday – National Film Board of Canada
The Ballad of Nessie –Walt Disney Animation Studios
The Girl and the Fox – Base14
Wild Life – National Film Board of Canada and Studio GD


Rango Esta noticia esta relacionada con la película Rango de Gore Verbinski, ver la sinopsis de Rango, o el trailer de Rango, o carátulas de Rango, o Imágenes de Rango, , o Críticas de Rango,

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